Wednesday 1 October 2014

Unseen verses(1-12)

Unseen Verses (1-12)

1.  An alert person gets wealth. The one who eats wholesome food gets health. The one who is free from diseases gets happiness. The one who studies gets the end of knowledge (complete knowledge). The one who is humble gets religious merit, wealth and fame.

2.  If indeed the heart of good people is broken sometimes, it is undoubtedly and easily united (restored) like gold very soon. Just as the potter’s pot that is broken and shattered doesn't get united (restored), in the same way the heart of wicked people when hurt doesn't get united (restored) at all.

3.  The fruit that men get is dependent on action. Even the intelligence follows the action. Even then, a wise man should act after thinking properly.

4.  One should not serve wicked person. One should take resort to great person. Having approached to Lord राम, बिभीषण got the kingdom of लङ्का.

5.  Just as hands (do whatever is pleasant) to body, just as eyelids (do whatever is pleasant) to eyes, same way, a friend who does (our) welfare without even thinking is called a friend (in real manner).

6.  He, who brings the enemies under his control by using the strength of his intelligence, is indeed clever and brave.

7.  From where will the king who doesn't have great poets beside him, attain fame. There were many kings on earth. (How many people had not become kings?) But no one knows even their names.

8.  Indeed that is the great advice which is for the protection of benefit (obtained) in the past, for obtaining benefit in the future and in order to rescue the one facing calamity.

9.  My opinion is that the hearts of virtuous people are indeed hard. They are not broken (hurt) even little by the sharp arrows in the form of words of wicked people.

10.  The skill and truthfulness (of a person) are understood in the course of conversation. Flexibility and steadiness are understood by actual observation.

11.  Disease, sorrow, agony, bondage and calamities, these are the fruits of the trees in the form of own sins of human beings.

12.  Indeed in this world of living beings, there is no greater destruction (death) for men than intoxication. Because all kinds of wealth desert (give up) intoxicated person and all calamities surround him from all the sides.

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