Thursday 2 October 2014

Unseen dialogue(1-8)

Unseen dialogue (1-8)

1. Doorkeeper: May king भोज be victorious. Oh Lord, a certain scholar is waiting at the door with (his) family.
King: Quickly bring a vessel full of milk and give (it) to the scholar. (Doorkeeper follows the order (of the king)).
Scholar: (On seeing) Oh daughter-in-law! Bring some sugar. (Mixing the sugar in milk) Oh offer back this vessel to king भोज.
King: (On seeing) (happily) this scholar is indeed intelligent.

2. Minister: Oh king! On giving the vessel full of milk, it was suggested by me that our royal court is full of scholars. There is no place for any other (scholar).
King: After that what was the reply of the scholar?
Minister: It was replied by him- just as the sugar gets dissolved in the milk and increases its sweetness. Similarly, I will remain mixed with the scholars and increase the sweetness of the court.
King: Oh! His answer is wonderful.

3. Envoy: Oh Lord! A certain beggar wants to see you.
King: Quickly bring him with respect. (The poor man enters. The king asks) Oh where have (you) come from?
The poor man: Oh Lord, I have come from कैलास .
King: Then tell (me), is that Lord शिव well?
The poor man: The question of his well being does not arise at all. He is indeed dead.
King: What dead? How? It is not heard by us.

4. The poor man: Oh King! The death of lord शिव started hundreds of years ago. Now, recently only it got over.
King: Surprising! How is it possible?
The poor man: Listen, oh king! He is indeed the form of हरिहर. Therefore हरि, that is Lord विष्णु took (his) half body.
King: The other half?
The poor man: he is again अर्धनारीश्वर, therefore Goddess पार्वती took the other half.

5. The poor man: The ornaments of lord शिव, who had died, moon, river गङ्गा , the king of snakes वासुकि were taken by sky.
King: After that?
The poor man: After that, there were his virtues. Having distributed, others took them.
King: Which?
The poor man: Donation, generosity and bravery were taken by you. At the end only one virtue remained; taking that only, I wander on earth. I am always wandering for alms.

6. (Having considered her own son thinking with concentration the Queen चन्द्रमति asks)
चन्द्रमति-  Oh child, may you live long. Why do you seem dejected and worried?
यशोधर- (to himself) Now, how should I tell (her this) heart-pricking grief (of mine). I shall tell. Alright (aloud) Mother, at the dawn, I saw a dream.
चन्द्रमति-Then indeed tell (me) quickly.
यशोधर- Listen, some demon sat on my chest. He said, “Having entrusted the responsibility of kingdom to (your) son, being ascetic resort to penance grove.”

7. (A psychiatric patient मिलिन्द- having approached the neighbour in the morning screams loudly)
मिलिन्द- Oh friend, save me, save me. At night a kitten entered my stomach through my mouth. Listen, it growls.
निनाद-Friend it is not a kitten but it is gas trouble. Let us go to a doctor.
मिलिन्द- No No, not to a doctor but we should go to a surgeon.
निनाद-It is indeed true. One should not try to please (dissuade) the mind of foolish person. Come on quickly.

8. Doctor-What are you saying, a kitten is growling in the stomach?
मिलिन्द-But what should I do at night?
Doctor- These are two pills. One is for you and other one for the kitten to experience the pleasure of sleep.
(Next day in the hospital)
Doctor-Oh मिलिन्द get up. Operation is successful. See this kitten was in your stomach. Now be relaxed (free from worry).
मिलिन्द-(In a weeping tone) But a black kitten entered my stomach, this one is white.

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