Sunday 5 October 2014

RR.chp.10 Drawing is the greatest among all arts

Drawing is the greatest among all arts

       In the treatise named विष्णुधर्मोत्तरपुराण, the science of drawing is described in detail. The dialogue between (the sage) मार्कण्डेय and (the king) वज्र in that (book) is famous. When the king वज्र asked, 'what is the means of happiness in this world and the next world?’ the sage मार्कण्डेय explained the greatness of drawing in this way-
'Just as सुमेरु is the greatest of all the mountains, the eagle is the pre-eminent among the birds, king is the most excellent among men, similarly in this world the art of drawing is greatest of all arts.'
      With the art not only not only the artists, but even common people get happiness.
       Drawing is the greatest among all arts, it gives religious merit (धर्म), wealth (अर्थ), sensual pleasure (काम) and salvation (मोक्ष).Where it (picture) is placed in the house it first indicates auspiciousness.
      The pioneer of this art of drawing was नारायण who was the son of धर्म (and) was the sculptor of gods.
       Generally lines, shape, light and shade are important (in drawing). Achieving similarity is said to be the main factor in drawing. Place, proportion, beauty, size of land, distinction, similarity, reduction (diminution) and augmentation these eight qualities should be integrated in a picture. The beauty of the picture is enhanced due to these (qualities).
          In drawing, the real test of an artist happens in using colours and his skill is also manifested in it. White (श्र्वेत:), red (रक्त:), yellow (पीत:), black(कृष्ण:) and green(हरित:) are known as five primary colours. The numbers of other colours created by mixing two or three colours are countless. But the black and white colours are very important for mixing. The beauty of the picture is increased by blending the colours.

       But the creativity of an artist is important in this aspect.
       At the time of explaining चित्रसुत्र, the sage मार्कण्डेय has described the proportion of height and depth. The term चित्रसुत्र comprises the height of men and women in the picture, their body-structure (figure) and each and every part of their body. All these should be proportionate.
       Because, indeed without proportion, a picture does not become attractive. Besides the nine रसाs (sentiments) such as love, pathos, etc. that are described in poetics should be depicted in the picture. The depiction of रसाs (sentiments) creates liveliness in the picture. The emotions of heart are expressed by body movements. The depiction of feelings should be according to the nine रसाs (sentiments).
        In order to explain how the भवाs (emotions) and रसाs (sentiments) should be depicted in the picture, the characteristics of the pictures are narrated. The rules about how a picture should be drawn according to the nature of a person are also described. For example while drawing the picture of a man who is peaceful by nature, the eyebrow should be in the shape of half moon. The eyebrow of a dancer should be bow-shaped. The picture of deities should be drawn adorned with ornaments, having pleasant face and wearing silk garments. The depiction of a sage should be with matted hair, wearing the skin of a black deer, lean and possessing lustre.
         Beauty is the important aspect of a picture. Having learnt the proportion of each and every part of the body, in which part reduction is necessary, in which part augmentation is essential, this should be thought of by the artist. Thus, all the guidance that is necessary for the expertise of the artist has been given in विष्णुधर्मोत्तरपुराण

           In fact art is the God's gift but attaining proficiency in it is surely dependent on man. That alone is the purpose of sciences and there only lies the usefulness of studying the sciences.

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