Sunday 5 October 2014

5. Let's be friends of Birds

5. Let's be friends of Birds

Dear शिवानी,

Many blessings!

Child, two days ago I reached here at भरतपुर. My mind is not satisfied (yet) having experienced the beautiful form of nature resounding with the chirping of various birds. And coming here I remember (miss) you a lot, especially your love for birds and curiosity about them. It is indeed known to you that this ‘केवलदेव National Park' is a bird sanctuary. Here, special arrangement and special restrictions have been made by the Government of India for them.
Two or three days are not enough to see such a huge forest because its area is extensive and full of variety. Various types of spots are created here for different types of birds. Dry grassland for terrestrial birds, watery land or marshy place for aquatic birds and similarly huge trees that have become dwellings for tree- birds are also here. Many trees have been accepted here (resorted to) for dwelling by birds of various colours. Tree-birds, grassland-birds and aquatic birds also live here in a large number. Three hundred sixty six species of them live and play here happily. Grassland- birds such as तित्तिर birds (partridges) are seen playing (here). Flocks of Painted storks (चित्रबलाक) making sweet noise on the trees attract the minds of the tourists. Various types of क्रॊञ्च (cranes) looking for prey in the grass are seen from a distance. Many remarkable species of birds are seen floating in the water. A particular bird called White spoonbill (चमसचञ्चू) is specially noticed. Other birds also come here from other countries for staying in winter. It is indeed sad and shameful also that क्रॊञ्च birds (cranes) coming from Siberia (and) staying here in winter season have now become extinct. Many birds coming from Ladakh (लडाख) region also stay here in winter. Tourists and researchers from (our) and foreign countries come here in a large number to see these migrated birds and to know more about them. Bird- banding (fixing a metal ring to the legs of birds) has also been done by bird lovers for studying them.
           Child, this is indeed sad, that many of these special (species of) birds have become extinct. Now some other species also should be specially protected. I remember, many particular birds used to come in our housing complex. (Such as) Cuckoos on the mango tree, भारद्वाज (Greater Coucal) with red wings, wandering at its bottom or in the grass. Even now, its deep sound is resounding in my ears. हूपू birds (Hoopoe) birds with black and yellow stripes playing here and there in groups used to be there itself till the end of the day. The crests of feathers on their head look beautiful like crown. When they open them, they look beautiful like kings. The constantly quarreling सारिकाs (thrushes) are rare now. Even धनेशs (Hornbills) living in the hollow of the big trees have become rare. Nowadays, even धीवर (the Kingfisher) is seen in small numbers.
          Do you know child, we alone are their destroyers (killers). Their dwellings have been destroyed by us for our houses. Where will they go? The measures for their protection should be taken by human beings only. So that even they will be protected.
Alright! I stop now. My best regards to your mother and father.


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