Sunday 5 October 2014

6. Enjoying the Sentiments

6. Enjoying the Sentiments

[A student eager to act, having approached the teacher asks]
अदिति- Oh teacher, salutation (to you). The curiosity about drama   inspires me to see you.
Teacher - What is the reason of your curiosity?
अदिति - It has been decided by our school that a Sanskrit drama should be performed (by us) for the state- level drama competition. I am to enact (the role of) लक्ष्मीबाई, the queen of झाशी. It has been told by the director that this drama has the sentiment of bravery as the predominant (sentiment). You know (about) नाट्यशास्त्र composed by the sage भरत and the रसाs (sentiments) in drama. So I have come to ask (you) about it.
Teacher - Listen. Probably in the third century B.C. नाट्यशास्त्र was composed by sage भरत. This नाट्यशास्त्र is considered to be the fifth Veda by the scholars. In that treatise, the sage has explained about रसाs (sentiments) useful for drama about their भावs (emotions) also.

अदिति - What are indeed रसाs (sentiments) and भावs (emotions)? How is the manifestation of रस (sentiment) possible in dramas?

Teacher - The sage भरत says, just as in the kitchen, the food consisting of six flavours , prepared by the proper methods of cooking becomes tasty similarly in drama the work of art (performance) endowed with various भावs (emotions) and acting becomes enjoyable and attractive for the appreciative people. So these particular emotions are defined as रसाs (sentiments) of drama.

अदिति - How many रसाs (sentiments) are there? And what are their names?
 Teacher - श्रृंगार (love), हास् (humour), रौद्र(fury), करुण (pathos), वीर (bravery), अद्भुत (wonder), बीभत् (disgust), भयानक (horror) and similarly शान् ( peace)- these nine sentiments are famous. In this science (treatise) the deities and colours of all the sentiments are described.

अदिति -Teacher, now please tell (me) particularly about the sentiment of bravery.

Teacher - Yes. Enthusiasm is the main quality of the sentiment of bravery. It makes others also enthusiastic. The other quality is अध्यवसाय which means firm resolve and firm effort. Another quality is firm intellect. The रस should be manifested by the effective acting स्थॆर्य (stability), धॆर्य (courage), वीर्य (bravery), गर्व (pride), उत्साह (enthusiasm), पराक्रम (valour), etc. This रस (sentiment) inspires the audience (appreciative people).

अदिति -Teacher, keeping all this in mind, I will act accordingly. Indeed, I am obliged (to you).

Teacher - Be successful and modest.

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