Thursday 11 September 2014

3.The sculptor-Respected Karmarkar

3. The sculptor - Respected   करमरकर

          There is a certain village named सासवणे in रायगड   district   in कोंकण region.    It is indeed the place of natural beauty situated just near the sea. (Here)   there is करमरकर Sculptur Gallery   that   is eye-pleasing     and   attractive    to   mind (attracts mind).  It is not only the ornament of the village but also is a place of pilgrimage (holy place) like पंढरपूर for the artists and art lovers.
            In this village, there was a house of  farmer named पाण्डुरंग करमरकर which was full of music,   painting, arts; etc .and was like an abode of peace and   happiness.     The  celebration   of the  birth  of the  son took  place there  on the  second day  of  the  month   of  October   in  the  year  eighteen    ninety  one (1891)  A.D.   In the childhood   itself, this boy   named विनायक started making clay idols   with his father His interest   was   (he was interested in) in making the idols of various animals and deities.  He was also engrossed in re-drawing the various   pictures that   were in the books.   Good values    (संस्कार) were inculcated in him by his father also who was always observing him.

Once a picture of छत्रपती शिवाजी was drawn by him in the temple of Lord Ram in the village.   At that   time   respected   Otto Rothfield,   the district collector of अलिबाग,      had come for the inspection of the administration    of the village.  His mind   was delighted as soon as he saw the picture.  So विनायक got admitted to J.J.   School of Arts (   located in Mumbai   by him. Even there विनायक secured first rank by his genius and skill.

When the education was completed,    respected Rothfield   introduced   him to respected ुरुदेव रवीन्द्रनाथ टागोर. According to the saying, 'the virtuous person   knows (another)   the virtuous one', he was invited   to Kolkata city by रवीन्द्रनाथ .There the full size statue of श्रीरामकृष्ण परमहंस was made by विनायक for Belur Math. Having recognized his skill when he was engrossed in making the statues of respected   रवीन्द्रनाथ, गान्धी etc., the chief of Tata Company sent him to Royal Academy in London for advanced   studies.   Having acquired   the skill there also, having  met  the  sculptors  of the  countries such as Italy, France, Switzerland   etc. and having  studied  their  works  of arts , he returned   to his own country.

And again a special statue called '' शङ्खध्वनि “that was worthy of reward was created by him for exhibition in Kolkata. He was appointed for the work of making   a horse ridden statue of छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज for the military school in Pune by the respected   राजर्षि शाहूमहराज.  Even today this thirteen and a half feet tall statue weighing eight tons shines as the object of pleasure for the eyes of all.  Many statues for the rulers of princely states like Baroda, Sangli, and Miraj etc. were made by him who was shining with success and fame. Among them the marble statue of संत ज्ञानेश्वर   created by him and located  in फलटण, is special.

In the year nineteen forty seven (l947) A.D.,   he was specially invited by the Wisconsin    University in America.  Even there, creating the statue   of the Chancellor    respected     Mr.   Dali in front of the spectators only, he was honored       even    in    foreign   country   .The    statues   which   are    the manifestations   of the  genius  of respecteकरमरकर  shine    in   front  of  the Mumbai   high court,  in  Ravindra Natya  Mandir  and  in the Institute  Jahangir Art Society.

He was  not  only  a  sculptor  but  also  the  ocean  of  compassion   and  a patriot.  He always   helped   for the upliftment   of his village.  He was a resort for   poor students He was indeed    a great support   for the underground freedom   fighters   (those   who participated    in   underground    movement)    . Having   led     a  fruitful  life,  this  great  sculptor   expired   (immersed    in  five elements   )  in   the year  nineteen  eighty  seven  (1987) A.D. but has  become immortal   with   the statues   created  by his own genius.

