Thursday 11 September 2014

1.Six invaluable doctors

1. Six Invaluable doctors
         In a city named चंद्रपुर, there used to live a rich merchant named ोमशर्मा. He had many trades. After a period of time, he who was engrossed in work experienced ill-health. Many treatments were done but all were in vain (fruitless).
         One day somebody told him about the doctor अनन्तभट्ट. Then a servant was quickly sent by the rich man to bring him. But it was written in the message brought by the servant,” I would like to treat you with pleasure (happily). But I expect my rules to be followed. A patient desiring treatment should come to me by himself. Please come on foot only after the sunrise.”
         Though unwilling, the next day ोमशर्मा went to अनन्तभट्ट on foot only. ोमशर्मा  who was pleased by walking in the rays of early sun said, “Please, respectable one, quickly treat (cure) me. I have to go immediately (quickly).” अनन्तभट्ट said,” Oh, come back after finishing daily morning ablutions and taking bath from the water flowing in the spring. ोमशर्मा who was agitated due to the order of  अनन्तभट्ट took a bath going to that place. Refreshed ोमशर्मा returned to the house of अनन्तभट्ट. Then he was pleased (contented) after eating little wholesome breakfast prepared by the doctor’s wife.
          Thereafter, along with अनन्तभट्ट he sat on the swing under the mango tree in the garden. When ोमशर्मा repeatedly asked about the medicines, अनन्तभट्ट was explaining how diseases trouble. ोमशर्मा who was seated on the swing slowly fell asleep. Suddenly, awaken by a jerk, ोमशर्मा said with hesitation,” Forgive me. Being afflicted by sleep, I don’t know when I slept. So, I am surprised. Will you please tell me about my treatment?”
           With a pleasant smile on his face, अनन्तभट्ट said,” Your treatment has already started. The work has been started by my six assistant doctors as physicians (in the form of treatment). Having heard it ोमशर्मा who was greatly surprised asked, “Six doctors?” .अनन्तभट्ट replied,” Sunlight, pleasant wind, cool water, exercise, wholesome food and rest (are the six doctors)”. There are no assistant doctors greater than these ones. I know that people like you who are engrossed in various works, do not pay attention to these six doctors. That is why I told you to come on foot in the morning. I motivated you to take bath in cool water to eat nutritious food. It is already indicated by you that all these experiences were delightful. You may experience happiness by paying attention to these six doctors. Aren’t the treatments of these six doctors not the best? If you expect more help than this, then myself, the seventh doctor is always ready to help.”
           With folded hands ोमशर्मा respectfully said to अनन्तभट्ट,” There will be no need of seventh doctor. For this I will always try to the best of my capacity.” Then offering thanks to the great doctor, ोमशर्मा returned to his house happily.        

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