Thursday 11 September 2014

2.Conservation of energy is conservation of wealth

2. Conservation of energy is conservation of wealth

(Such a discussion started when the power supply was interrupted during the study time.)

  पार्थ -  Alas! During the spring season, at the time of examinations   itself, there is load shedding. Indeed, the energy crisis is increasing day by day.

अथर्व- But I  have read that energy is indeed  inexhaustible. Then how is there an energy crisis?

श्रेया-  True, energy  is indeed  inexhaustible.  But the sources of energy are limited only. If the cause is destroyed, how will the effect take place?

अथर्व-  But what  does energy mean? What are its forms?

श्रेया  Energy means capacity to work. Heat, light, sound, electricity,  etc. are its many forms.

पार्थ  -  But what  are its sources?

श्रेया -  Its sources are conventional  and non- conventional. Coal, crude oil and natural gas are the conventional   ones.   The remains of animals and fossils (remains of plants) that died more than a million years ago, when pressed inward due to the great burden of soil and huge rocks, obtain the form of liquefied gas. That fuel in the liquid form is called crude oil (unprocessed oil).  That itself is (called) black gold.

पार्थ  -  Great effort is required  for its refinement. Having created a hole in the ground and extracting it, it is processed.  By that processing petrol, kerosene, grease, etc. are obtained.  It is obtained from nature; therefore its availability is limited.

श्रेया-But the non-conventional energy obtained from nature is unlimited.

पार्थ- The sun ,wind, water these  are the-great elements. These non- conventional sources of energy are also able to produce energy. Bio-gas is (produced obtained from cow dung, remains of leaves and garbage. Similarly, bio-diesel is produced from castor oil seeds, seeds of मधुक tree and remains of sugarcane (bagasse). Energy is also obtained from atoms.

श्रेया- But among these  (sources) the solar source is unlimited, inexhaustible and pollution-free. The thermal power project at Koradi and the two atomic energy projects at Trombay and Tarapur are famous.  Koyana- hydro-electric project is indeed the line of fortune of modern Maharashtra.

पार्थ- At some places, wind turbines  are erected on mountains. Electricity is generated with the help of wind. Is that only the wind energy?

श्रेया- True, that  wind energy is free from  pollution, safe and is a  source of earning livelihood.

अथर्व-- In this way adopting  non- conventional  methods,  conventional  sources should be protected by all. Due to that wealth will be accumulated, by that alone the progress of the nation will take place.

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