Sunday 14 September 2014

1. Garland of good sayings-1

1. Garland of good sayings-1

1. I bow down to the lotus-like feet of (lord) गणेश,(the god having face like that of elephant)who is served by all the living beings, troops of lord शिव , etc ,who eats the pulp of wood apple, jamun fruits, who is son of (goddess) पार्वती ,who is the destructor of sorrows, who rules over calamities.

2.Those who always listen to and think about good books or pass their time being delighted by the amusement created by poets and  remove the delusion of the people with dull intellect by good advice, being themselves free from confusions are engrossed in the feet of lord, are good people.

3. All the tasks of human beings (the four ends of human life that are धर्म, अर्थ, काम, मोक्ष) are accomplished by knowledge. No purpose is served without knowledge. Knowing these virtues (importance) of knowledge, great people never give up knowledge (the efforts of acquiring knowledge).

4. Only the external appearance of kings and (common) man is similar. However, (in the case of kings) there is an excess of forgiveness, courage, power to give order and valour.

5. A man though born in a noble family and possessing virtues, is respected due to good company. Indeed the neck of lute though made of good bamboo and having strings doesn’t attain greatness without a gourd (pumpkin).
(Explanation: The figures of speech pun i.e. श्र्लेष अलङ्कार is used in this verse. The pun is on two words- वन्शभवः and गुणवान्, these two adjectives are applicable to पुरूष and वीण्दण्ड.)

6. Indeed, it is impossible to wipe out the virtue of courage of a courageous person though he is insulted. Even if the torch (fire) is held upside down its flame never goes downwards.

7. 1) Oh! Lamp, preserve the oil in your vessel that enhances your beauty because without it your wicks will be reduced to ashes.
2) Oh! Virtuous man, save your love towards a worthy person that increases your prosperity because without it your virtues will be perished.
(Explanation: This verse is an example of the figures of speech Pun i.e. श्र्लेष अलङ्कार , it has dual meaning, one is applicable to the lamp and another one to the virtuous man. It is an example of प्रदीपान्योक्ति too.)

8. “One should not make friendship with a person whose strength, family, behaviour is not known”, thus said बृहस्पति.

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