Thursday 4 December 2014

7. Wish fulfilling tree of knowledge (ज्ञानकल्पवृक्षः)

7. Wish fulfilling tree of knowledge (ज्ञानकल्पवृक्षः)
‘What doesn't change in this ever-changing world?’, according to this maxim (saying) in the twenty-first century even literacy is defined thus- the one who is ignorant about computer and internet is considered to be illiterate only even if he is literate. Nowadays, computer and internet is there in every house of ours. Similarly, it is used for learning and teaching in schools also by us.
          Among various inventions of man since pre-historic times, the internet is the greatest invention of man. This is the greatest revolution till date. A small helping device is ‘Modem’. The internet is connected (created) by joining it to computer with telephone cables. The World Wide Web network (विश्वव्यापि जालम्) formed by the mutual connection of small and big networks of computers is indeed the cyberspace (सङ्गणकजालन्तरिक्षम्). The internet is indeed the super-highway of acquiring knowledge (Information Super-Highway (ज्ञानप्राप्तेः अतिद्रुतगतिमार्गः)). Internet means World Wide Web (विश्वव्यापि जालम्) or the great network of information technology. It is indeed a democracy of people, created by people for the welfare of the people. What a surprise! Not even a single coin (penny) is needed for acquiring this unlimited knowledge.
        Just as there was a wish fulfilling tree (कल्पवृक्षः) in ancient times, similarly in the modern times, the internet itself is the wish fulfilling tree (कल्पवृक्षः) of knowledge. The desire of the mind or the quest for knowledge is fulfilled only in a fraction of second by this.
      The knowledge of various types of science and arts, world news, information of various institutes and departments, thousands of books (treatises), knowledge useful for tourism, reservation of seats and seeing people who are far away and conversing with them and general knowledge are available due to this technology. This modern wish fulfilling tree (कल्पवृक्षः) gives us all types of information. Statistical data (सांख्यिकीय ज्ञानम्) and software program of the computer are also available on the internet. With the help, all the people are to do various subjects (things) quickly, easily, without paper, without mistake, with very little human effort (energy).
       Now, during economic recession, e-commerce (सङ्गणकीयवाणिज्यम्) has proven to be a boon itself. We can do the transfer of money for payments of life insurances (आयूर्विमा), electric bills, and television bills as well as various transactions with this technology. Online banking (सद्यस्क कुसीद्वृत्तिः) is used for this purpose. People send their message quickly by e-mail (सङ्गणकीयपत्रम्) and do online chatting also.

       In this way, this is indeed a boon that increases knowledge. May the use of internet be only for the well-being of human beings.

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