Sunday, 8 February 2015

Sanskrit Quotations for lessons - 1

NOTE: The translation of the quotations are only for understanding the verses and their context. Write the Sanskrit quotations as they are without any changes. Please refer to the images of the further post - "Sanskrit Quotations for lessons" for a brief information about the lessons.
1.अनर्घाः षड् वैद्याः। 
  1. 'आरोग्यं मूलमुत्तमम्।।'[Health is the best foundation] 
2.ऊर्जासञ्चयः एव धनसञ्चयः।<No quotations>  
3.शिल्पकारः करमरकरमहोदयः। 
  1. 'पात्रविशेषे न्यस्तं गुणान्तरं व्रजति शिल्पमाधातुः।' [The skill of a teacher imparted to a worthy student attains greater excellence]
4.आत्मिकी सम्पद्। 
  1. 'विरला जानन्ति गुणान् विरलाः कुर्वन्ति निर्धने स्नेहम्। विरलाः परकार्यरताः परदुःखेनापि दुःखिता विरलाः।।' [Very few recognize virtues, very few love the poor, very few are engrossed in helping others, very few become sad even by the sorrow of others]   
5.पक्षिमित्राः भवामः।  
  1. 'को धर्मो ? भूतदया।' [What is Dharma? Compassion towards living beings] 
  1. 'न हि रसादृते कश्चिदर्थः प्रवर्तते।' [There is no meaning without Rasas (रसाद्-ऋते)]  
  2. 'शृंगारहास्यकरुणा रौद्रवीरभयानकाः।बीभत्साद्भुतशान्ताश्च रसाः पूर्वैरुदाहृताः।।' <The nine Rasas are mentioned - This verse is necessary for the question asking the nine Rasas in drama> 
  1. 'कल्पद्रुमः कल्पितमेव सूते सा कामधुक् कामितमेव   दोग्धि। चिन्तामणिश्चिन्तितमेव दत्ते सतां हि सङ्गः सकलं प्रसूते।।' [The Kalpavriksha tree gives whatever in imagined, that Kamadhenu gives whatever is desired, the Chintaamani stone gives whatever is thought, the company of virtuous people gives everything]
8.अमूल्यं विद्यते सर्वं।  
  1. 'अमन्त्रमक्षरं नास्ति नास्ति मूलमनौषधम्। अयोग्यः पुरुषो नास्ति योजकस्तत्र दुर्लभः।।' [There is not a single letter which cannot be found in a sacred hymn, there is no root of a plant which is not medicinal, no man is incapable; at such a place, the organizer is difficult to find]
9.द्वे कथे स्वामिविवेकानन्दस्य।  
  1. शक्तिपूजनम्। = 'परोपकारजं पुण्यं न स्यात् क्रतुशतैरपि।' [The merits obtained by helping others is not obtained even by a hundred sacrifices]
  2. आपदाभिमुखाः  भवत। = 'आपदां तरणिः धैर्यम्।'[Courage is the saving-boat during calamity] OR  'आगतं तु भयं वीक्ष्य नरः कुर्याद्यथोचितम्।' [On seeing that fear has arrived, man should do what is proper] OR  'आगतं तु भयं दृष्ट्वा प्रहर्तव्यमभीतवत्' [On seeing that fear has arrived, one should become bold and attack (fear)]    

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