Tuesday 10 February 2015

Sanskrit Quotations for poems - 1

 NOTE: The translation of the quotations are only for understanding the verses and their context. Write the Sanskrit quotations as they are without any changes. Please refer to the images of the further post - "Sanskrit Quotations for poems" for a brief information about the poems. Only one quotation is required to be written. 

1.सुभाषितमाला -1 । - You are expected to write the complete verse for the corresponding question (for e.g. write the second verse for the first question in answer in English) and also add quotations wherever possible.
  1. For introduction: पृथिव्यां त्रीणि रत्नानि जलमन्नं सुभाषितम्। [The three gems on earth are - water, food, सुभाषितs]
  2. For Q.1 'वाचनं ज्ञानदं बाल्ये  तारुण्ये शीलरक्षकम्। वार्धके दुःखहरणं हितं सद्ग्रन्थवाचनम्।।' [Reading gives knowledge in childhood, protects one's character in youth, relieves of sorrow in old-age, reading good-books is beneficial] OR 'ग्रन्थाः एव  गुरवः।' [Books are indeed our preceptors], OR 'काव्यशास्त्रविनोदेन कालो गच्छति धीमताम्।' [The time of the intelligent-ones is spent studying the amusement in poetry and scriptures] 
  3. For Q.2. 'न चोरहार्यं न च राजहार्यं न भ्रातृभाज्यं न च भारकारि।' [It can neither be stolen, nor can it be taken by the king (as tax) nor even divided among brothers, nor is it a burden] OR 'न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते।' [Nothing is as pure as knowledge]
  4. For Q.3. 'दुर्बलस्य बलं राजा।' [The king is the strength of the weak ones] OR 'यथा नराणां प्रवरः क्षितीशः।' [Just as king is the most excellent among men]  
  5. For Q.4. 'कीटोपि सुमनः सङ्गाद् आरोहति सतां शिरः। अश्मापि याति  देवत्वं महद्भिः सुप्रतिष्टितः।।' [Even an insect climbs the head of a virtuous one due to the company of flowers. Even a stone attains divinity when consecrated by great persons], OR 'क्षणमपि सज्जनसङ्गतिरेका भवति भवार्णवतरणे नौका।' [Even a momentary company with the virtuous becomes a boat for crossing an ocean of suffering] 
  6. For Q.5. विपरिच्छिन्नमूलोपि न विषीदेत् कथंचन। [Even if the foundation is cut out, one should not give up ever (in short be courageous)] 
  7. 'सर्पो दशति काले तु दुर्जनस्तु पदे पदे।' [A snake bites in time but a wicked one at every step] [Context : Not knowing that a person is wicked if we make them a friend then they'll be harmful]    
2.सिकतासेतुः For introduction:
  1. 'क्षणशः कणशश्चैव विद्यामर्थं च साधयेत्।' [Knowledge and wealth should be obtained moment by moment and coin by coin] OR
  2. 'अभ्यासाद् धार्यते विद्या।' [Knowledge is sustained by practice] OR
  3. 'अविद्यं जीवनं शून्यम्।' [Life without education is meaningless]
3.नमामि राष्ट्रध्वजम् For introduction : 
  1. 'अश्रु रक्तं श्रमं स्वेदं देहि राष्ट्राभिवृद्धये।' [Give your tear, blood, hard-work and sweat for the development of the country]
4.अन्त्याक्षरी। - You are expected to write the complete verse for the corresponding question (for e.g. write the first verse for the first question in answer in english) and also add quotations wherever possible.

  1. For Q.1.'दिनस्य पूर्वार्धपरार्धभिन्ना छायेव मैत्री खलसज्जनानाम्।' [The friendship of wicked ones is like the shadow in the first half of the day and virtuous ones is like the shadow in the second half of the day (the shadow is very long during sunrise and till noon becomes smaller and smaller like the friendship of wicked ones whereas the shadow becomes longer and longer after the noon till sunset like the friendship of virtuous ones)]
  2. For Q.2. 'सहसा विदधीत न क्रियामविवेको परमापदां पदम्।' [Do not act hastily without thinking as it will lead to great calamity]
  3. For Q.3. 'याचना माननाशाय।' [Begging leads to the destruction of one's respect] OR याचनान्तं हि गौरवम्। [Begging is indeed the end of one's dignity]
  4. For Q.4. No quotation.  
  5. For Q.5. 'उद्यमेन हि सिध्यन्ति कार्याणि न मनोरथैः।' [Tasks are indeed accomplished by hard efforts and not by mere desire] OR 'न निश्चिदर्थाद्विरमन्ति धीराः।' [The brave ones do not rest from the determined aim]  
5.बुर्हाणपुरशिलालेखः। - For the first question use the first verse of the poem in which God is described. There is no need of quotations for the remaining questions of this poem.
6.सुभाषितमाला -2 । - You are expected to write the complete verse for the corresponding question (for e.g. write the first verse for the first question in answer in English) and also add quotations wherever possible.
  1. For Q.1. 'प्राणान्तेपि प्रकृतिविकृतिर्जायते नोत्तमानाम्।' [Even at the end of their lives, the (good) nature of the virtuous ones does not change]
  2. For Q.2. 'यः करोति स कर्ता।' 'The one who performs the action is the subject' 'कर्तुरीप्सिततमं कर्म।' 'The thing which the doer desires the most is the object' The meaning must be written if any one of these two quotations is used.
  3. For Q.3. 'व्यसने मित्रपरीक्षा।' [The test of a (true) friend is at the time of calamity] , 'आपत्काले तु सम्प्राप्ते यन्मित्रं मित्रमेव तत्' [He who becomes a friend at the time of calamity is indeed the true friend]
  4. For Q.4.'जयन्ति  ते सुकृतिनः रससिद्धाः कवीश्वराः। नास्ति येषां यशःकाये जरामरणजं भयम्।।' [Those virtuous, great poets who are accomplished in poetry are victorious, who do not have the fear of the destruction of the fullness of their glory]
  5. For Q.5. No quotation
  6. For Q.6. Write the verse "समुपागत....महामान्यः" as it is. No quotation required.

Sunday 8 February 2015

Sanskrit Quotations for lessons - 1

NOTE: The translation of the quotations are only for understanding the verses and their context. Write the Sanskrit quotations as they are without any changes. Please refer to the images of the further post - "Sanskrit Quotations for lessons" for a brief information about the lessons.
1.अनर्घाः षड् वैद्याः। 
  1. 'आरोग्यं मूलमुत्तमम्।।'[Health is the best foundation] 
2.ऊर्जासञ्चयः एव धनसञ्चयः।<No quotations>  
3.शिल्पकारः करमरकरमहोदयः। 
  1. 'पात्रविशेषे न्यस्तं गुणान्तरं व्रजति शिल्पमाधातुः।' [The skill of a teacher imparted to a worthy student attains greater excellence]
4.आत्मिकी सम्पद्। 
  1. 'विरला जानन्ति गुणान् विरलाः कुर्वन्ति निर्धने स्नेहम्। विरलाः परकार्यरताः परदुःखेनापि दुःखिता विरलाः।।' [Very few recognize virtues, very few love the poor, very few are engrossed in helping others, very few become sad even by the sorrow of others]   
5.पक्षिमित्राः भवामः।  
  1. 'को धर्मो ? भूतदया।' [What is Dharma? Compassion towards living beings] 
  1. 'न हि रसादृते कश्चिदर्थः प्रवर्तते।' [There is no meaning without Rasas (रसाद्-ऋते)]  
  2. 'शृंगारहास्यकरुणा रौद्रवीरभयानकाः।बीभत्साद्भुतशान्ताश्च रसाः पूर्वैरुदाहृताः।।' <The nine Rasas are mentioned - This verse is necessary for the question asking the nine Rasas in drama> 
  1. 'कल्पद्रुमः कल्पितमेव सूते सा कामधुक् कामितमेव   दोग्धि। चिन्तामणिश्चिन्तितमेव दत्ते सतां हि सङ्गः सकलं प्रसूते।।' [The Kalpavriksha tree gives whatever in imagined, that Kamadhenu gives whatever is desired, the Chintaamani stone gives whatever is thought, the company of virtuous people gives everything]
8.अमूल्यं विद्यते सर्वं।  
  1. 'अमन्त्रमक्षरं नास्ति नास्ति मूलमनौषधम्। अयोग्यः पुरुषो नास्ति योजकस्तत्र दुर्लभः।।' [There is not a single letter which cannot be found in a sacred hymn, there is no root of a plant which is not medicinal, no man is incapable; at such a place, the organizer is difficult to find]
9.द्वे कथे स्वामिविवेकानन्दस्य।  
  1. शक्तिपूजनम्। = 'परोपकारजं पुण्यं न स्यात् क्रतुशतैरपि।' [The merits obtained by helping others is not obtained even by a hundred sacrifices]
  2. आपदाभिमुखाः  भवत। = 'आपदां तरणिः धैर्यम्।'[Courage is the saving-boat during calamity] OR  'आगतं तु भयं वीक्ष्य नरः कुर्याद्यथोचितम्।' [On seeing that fear has arrived, man should do what is proper] OR  'आगतं तु भयं दृष्ट्वा प्रहर्तव्यमभीतवत्' [On seeing that fear has arrived, one should become bold and attack (fear)]    